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Вакансії: automation engineer, Львів

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Job Post Details

QA Automation engineer

Створіть обліковий запис Indeed, перш ніж переходити на веб-сайт компанії.



Повний опис вакансії

You will have to deal with:

  • writing automation test cases/checklists and other types of test documentation,
  • performing testing activities on one large-scale or several small-scale projects,
  • testing reports preparation and communication with developers and project managers.

You should have strong knowledge of Jenkins and Selenium upper-intermediate English, understanding of Python basics and experience with Robot framework, high communicative skills.

It would be a plus if you have knowledge of Git and Linux. We offer interesting tasks, possibilities for career and professional growth, English classes, friendly atmosphere and good working conditions, experience with new technologies, getting a new knowledge from our QA engineers.

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