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Вакансії: developer

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Job Post Details

JavaScript Developer - job post

Dreamscape Networks
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Повний опис вакансії

We are now seeking a passionate JavaScript Developer to join our incredible team!

You will be working on and crafting some of the most sophisticated application interfaces on the web.

Are you looking to work with an incredible team of highly skilled engineers to tackle unique challenges that push the envelope on the modern web browser? If so, read on.

  • Create new solutions for existing projects
  • Debug current scripts and errors
  • Work with UI designers on new projects
  • At least 3 years of front end development experience
  • Exceptional understanding of web standards, performance standards, accessibility and web development best practices
  • Experience with MVC frameworks such as Angular, React, Backbone etc.
  • Expert in standards-based, cross-browser, multi-device development and responsive web
  • Experience with Version Control Systems (SVN or Git)
  • Excellent communication and time management skills
  • Ability to learn new technologies
How to Apply
  • Send us your CV with your work samples. All information will be kept private.
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